C.S. Lewis, a renowned Christian writer and apologist, incorporated various philosophical and theological influences into his understanding of Christianity. One significant influence on Lewis’s thought was the philosophy of Plato. Here are some aspects of Lewis’s Christianity that can be seen as having Platonic elements:
- Dualism: Plato’s philosophy posits a distinction between the physical world (the realm of appearances) and the ideal world of Forms or Ideas. Similarly, Lewis embraced a form of dualism in his theological views. He believed in a clear distinction between the material world and the spiritual realm, emphasizing the existence of a transcendent reality beyond the physical.
- Transcendence and Idealism: Both Plato and Lewis emphasized the existence of a higher reality or transcendent realm. Plato’s Forms were seen as perfect, unchanging ideals that served as the true essence behind the imperfect physical manifestations. Similarly, Lewis portrayed God as the ultimate reality and the source of all perfection, with the physical world being a shadow or reflection of that divine reality.
- Hierarchy of Being: Plato’s philosophy includes a hierarchical view of reality, with different levels of existence ranging from the lowest physical realm to the highest realm of the Forms. Lewis drew upon this idea in his writings, particularly in his book “The Great Divorce,” where he depicted a hierarchical structure of existence and portrayed the journey toward God as an ascent through different levels of being.
- Soul and Immortality: Plato’s philosophy emphasized the immortality of the soul, which Lewis also embraced. Lewis believed in the eternal nature of the soul and its capacity for a personal relationship with God beyond the confines of the physical world.
- Intellectual and Rational Approach: Plato valued reason and intellectual pursuit as a means to discover truth and understand the ultimate reality. Lewis, who himself was a scholar and intellectual, also emphasized the importance of reason and rationality in his apologetic works, arguing for the compatibility of faith and reason.
It is worth noting that while Lewis incorporated Platonic elements into his Christianity, his theological views were not solely based on Platonism. He also drew from other philosophical traditions, such as Aristotelianism and the writings of medieval Christian thinkers. Lewis synthesized various ideas and concepts to develop his unique perspective on Christianity.