The Launch Team has grown to 87 people!
Everything listed below is completely “optional” based on your availability.
Contact me anytime via email ([email protected]), text, or call (503-932-3478 cell).
The Book Has Launched!
My publisher tells me orders are backed up at the printer. For those who have ordered the book online… please let me know when your copy arrives. I’m told they may arrive around the first of February. Until then, I have copies and Rainbow West Christian Supply in Salem has copies. Let me know if you’d like one.
Several Sites Will Host Your Book Review
The number of reviews are increasing every day! I know this takes time and effort. Thank you. Remember, reviews don’t have to be long… just truthful and honest. When your review is complete please consider posting it and rating the book at the following sites.
- – Follow my Author Page. (Free registration) – Currently 11 Ratings/9 Reviews
- – (Amazon account required) – Currently 2 Ratings/2 Reviews
- – (No registration required) – Currently 3 Ratings/3 Reviews
- – (Free registration) – Currently 0 Ratings/0 Reviews
- – (Free registration) – Currently 0 Ratings/0 Reviews
I’m told book reviews are very a important ingredient in a book’s success. Here are some tips for how to write an honest review… BOOK REVIEW TIPS.
Launch Party Pictures
Over 50 people were able to make it to the book’s Launch Party at the IKE Box. I know more of you wanted to make it… but were unable. It was a truly humbling show of support. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it!
Book Tour Update
1/23/23 – “Hustle In Faith” podcast interview – Here’s the link: Episode 217 – Rethinking Rest w/ Gregory D. Hall
1/29/23 – Sunday morning (10:30am) in the Open Heart Class at Salem First Church of the Nazarene.
2/4/23 – 8:00am – Salem First Church of the Nazarene Men’s Breakfast at Blondzees Guest House Restaurant (4850 Portland Rd NE, Salem, OR 97305).
Let’s keep booking stops on the “Rethinking Rest Book Tour”! Traditionally a book tour meant getting in a car and traveling for weeks on end. But there are so many other options available these days to meet with people. I’ve scheduled 7 stops on the book tour so far!
Will you brainstorm with me some different ways I can connect with people you know that might be interested in scheduling a time to discuss biblical rest. You might know someone personally… or you might only “know of someone.” I’m interested in any ideas you have.
THE GOAL: Add Stops on the Book Tour Schedule!
These can be virtual or in person, so think globally!
I’m willing to meet with anyone… anywhere to talk about Rest!
Small groups – Sun/Wed Classes at Church – Podcasts you listen to – Book Clubs – A Small Group of Neighbors in your house – Book Stores – Coffee Shop Discussions –
People You Met at a Bar!
Shoot me an email with an idea or introduce me to someone via group text…
and I’ll take it from there. I’ll give updates on our progress!
Social Interaction
The Rethinking Scripture social media accounts will continue to be active. Would you consider…
1. Following my accounts where you are already active?
2. Interact with the posts when you see them (like, comment, share, retweet, and whatever else they let you do).
3. That’s all!
These are my accounts:
1. Facebook –
Personal Account:
2. Instagram –
3. TikTok –
4. Twitter –
5. YouTube –
6. LinkedIn –
This audio is only being shared with Launch Team members!
That’s all for now. Thanks again for all your help!
That About Covers It…
Here’s the front/back cover and the book’s spine!
Curtis Zackery Interview
Here is a “Launch Team Preview” of the interview I had with Curtis Zackery, Author of “Soul Rest”. The audio from this interview will be produced into the January 12th podcast episode.
November “Meme Challenge” a Success!
The first “Launch Team Challenge.” was a complete success! I asked you to create a meme about rest… and a few of you spread your wings and gave it a try! Thank you for everyone who participated. I’ll leave instructions for creating a meme at the bottom of the page if anyone else wants to give it a try. Here are a few of the memes from the challenge…
How do I create a meme? There are several free websites available. One of the easiest to use is You just pick a picture (or upload one of your own) and add captions. Then press the “Create Meme” button. Once your meme comes up on the screen… just save it to your desktop (right-mouse click) or phone.
When you’ve created your meme… just email it to Greg ([email protected]). He will collect them and will eventually hand out big prizes* for those who participate!
* “big prizes” = worthless praise and maybe participation certificates.